Wednesday, August 8, 2018

Q. How To Import Excel Data In SQL Server Using ASP.NET

Step1. Create Table 

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Biometric_User_Logs](
[MachineNumber] [int] NULL,
[IndRegID] [int] NULL,
[DateTimeRecord] [datetime] NULL,
[DateOnlyRecord] [date] NULL,
[TimeOnlyRecord] [datetime] NULL,
[dwInOutMode] [int] NULL

Step 2. Now Create Store procedure for Grid view ?

CREATE procedure [dbo].[spGetAllBiometric_User_Logs]  
select MachineNumber,IndRegID,DateTimeRecord,DateOnlyRecord,TimeOnlyRecord,dwInOutMode from Biometric_User_Logs  

Step 3. Now add library for bootstrap and JQuery scripting.

<link rel="stylesheet" href="">
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="">
    <script src=""></script>
    <script src=""></script>
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="" />
    <script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>
    <script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>

Step 4. Now add prepend() for selected.

 <script type="text/javascript">
        $(document).ready(function () {


Note:- The prepend() method inserts specified content at the beginning of the selected elements

Step 5.Now add ASPX Page 

<form id="form1" runat="server">
        <div class="container py-3">
            <h2 class="text-center text-uppercase">How to upload excel file in sql server database in</h2>
            <div class="card">
                <div class="card-header bg-primary text-uppercase text-white">
                    <h5>Import Excel File</h5>
                <div class="card-body">
                    <button style="margin-bottom: 10px;" type="button" class="btn btn-primary" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#myModal">
                        <i class="fa fa-plus-circle"></i>Import Excel  
                    <div class="modal fade" id="myModal">
                        <div class="modal-dialog">
                            <div class="modal-content">
                                <div class="modal-header">
                                    <h4 class="modal-title">Import Excel File</h4>
                                    <button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="modal">×</button>
                                <div class="modal-body">
                                    <div class="row">
                                        <div class="col-md-12">
                                            <div class="form-group">
                                                <label>Choose excel file</label>
                                                <div class="input-group">
                                                    <div class="custom-file">
                                                        <asp:FileUpload ID="FileUpload1" CssClass="custom-file-input" runat="server" />
                                                        <label class="custom-file-label"></label>
                                                    <label id="filename"></label>
                                                    <div class="input-group-append">
                                                        <asp:Button ID="btnUpload" runat="server" CssClass="btn btn-outline-primary" Text="Upload" OnClick="btnUpload_Click" />
                                                <asp:Label ID="lblMessage" runat="server"></asp:Label>
                                <div class="modal-footer">
                                    <button type="button" class="btn btn-danger" data-dismiss="modal">Close</button>
                    <asp:GridView ID="GridView1" HeaderStyle-CssClass="bg-primary text-white" ShowHeaderWhenEmpty="true" runat="server" AutoGenerateColumns="false" CssClass="table table-bordered``">
                            <div class="text-center">No record found</div>
                            <asp:BoundField HeaderText="MachineNumber" DataField="MachineNumber" />
                            <asp:BoundField HeaderText="IndRegID" DataField="IndRegID" />
                            <asp:BoundField HeaderText="DateTimeRecord" DataField="DateTimeRecord" />
                            <asp:BoundField HeaderText="DateOnlyRecord" DataField="DateOnlyRecord" />
                            <asp:BoundField HeaderText="TimeOnlyRecord" DataField="TimeOnlyRecord" />
                            <asp:BoundField HeaderText="dwInOutMode" DataField="dwInOutMode" />


Step 6.Now Add library like 

using System;
using System.Data;
using System.Data.SqlClient;
using System.Configuration;
using System.Data.OleDb;

using System.Data.Common;  

Step 7. Call this method to page_load

if (!IsPostBack)


Step 8. Now bind grid.

 private void BindGridview()
        string CS = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["constr"].ConnectionString;
        using (SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(CS))
            SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("spGetAllBiometric_User_Logs", con);
            cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
            GridView1.DataSource = cmd.ExecuteReader();


Step 9. Write Upload click button.

 protected void btnUpload_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)  
            if (FileUpload1.PostedFile!=null)  
                    string path = string.Concat(Server.MapPath("~/UploadFile/" + FileUpload1.FileName));  
                    // Connection String to Excel Workbook  
                    string excelCS = string.Format("Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source={0};Extended Properties=Excel 8.0", path);  
                    using (OleDbConnection con = new OleDbConnection(excelCS))  
                        OleDbCommand cmd = new OleDbCommand("select * from [Machine No-5$]", con);  
                        // Create DbDataReader to Data Worksheet  
                        DbDataReader dr = cmd.ExecuteReader();  
                        // SQL Server Connection String  
                        string CS = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["constr"].ConnectionString;  
                        // Bulk Copy to SQL Server   
                        SqlBulkCopy bulkInsert = new SqlBulkCopy(CS);  
                        bulkInsert.DestinationTableName = "Biometric_User_Logs";  
                        lblMessage.Text = "Your file uploaded successfully";  
                        lblMessage.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Green;  
                catch (Exception)  
                    lblMessage.Text = "Your file not uploaded";  
                    lblMessage.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Red;  


1 6214 25-07-18 13:46 25-07-18 03-08-18 13:46 0
1 5548 25-07-18 14:02 25-07-18 03-08-18 14:02 0
1 5547 25-07-18 14:02 25-07-18 03-08-18 14:02 0
1 5540 25-07-18 14:03 25-07-18 03-08-18 14:03 0
1 5553 25-07-18 14:03 25-07-18 03-08-18 14:03 0
1 5541 25-07-18 14:03 25-07-18 03-08-18 14:03 0
1 6177 25-07-18 14:07 25-07-18 03-08-18 14:07 0
1 5259 25-07-18 14:09 25-07-18 03-08-18 14:09 0
1 5820 25-07-18 14:09 25-07-18 03-08-18 14:09 0
1 5306 25-07-18 14:09 25-07-18 03-08-18 14:09 0
1 5306 25-07-18 14:09 25-07-18 03-08-18 14:09 0
1 5088 25-07-18 14:11 25-07-18 03-08-18 14:11 0
1 5082 25-07-18 14:11 25-07-18 03-08-18 14:11 0
1 5082 25-07-18 14:11 25-07-18 03-08-18 14:11 0
1 5092 25-07-18 14:11 25-07-18 03-08-18 14:11 0
1 5091 25-07-18 14:11 25-07-18 03-08-18 14:11 0
1 5083 25-07-18 14:12 25-07-18 03-08-18 14:12 0
1 5100 25-07-18 14:12 25-07-18 03-08-18 14:12 0
1 5072 25-07-18 14:12 25-07-18 03-08-18 14:12 0
1 5466 25-07-18 14:12 25-07-18 03-08-18 14:12 0
1 5466 25-07-18 14:12 25-07-18 03-08-18 14:12 0
1 5075 25-07-18 14:13 25-07-18 03-08-18 14:13 0
1 5084 25-07-18 14:13 25-07-18 03-08-18 14:13 0
1 5073 25-07-18 14:13 25-07-18 03-08-18 14:13 0
1 5679 25-07-18 14:13 25-07-18 03-08-18 14:13 0
1 5773 25-07-18 14:13 25-07-18 03-08-18 14:13 0
1 5079 25-07-18 14:14 25-07-18 03-08-18 14:14 0
1 6270 25-07-18 14:20 25-07-18 03-08-18 14:20 0
1 5294 25-07-18 14:21 25-07-18 03-08-18 14:21 0
1 5394 25-07-18 14:21 25-07-18 03-08-18 14:21 0
1 5473 25-07-18 14:22 25-07-18 03-08-18 14:22 0
1 6084 25-07-18 14:23 25-07-18 03-08-18 14:23 0
1 6286 25-07-18 14:23 25-07-18 03-08-18 14:23 0
1 5654 25-07-18 14:24 25-07-18 03-08-18 14:24 0
1 5649 25-07-18 14:24 25-07-18 03-08-18 14:24 0
1 5754 25-07-18 14:30 25-07-18 03-08-18 14:30 0
1 5074 25-07-18 14:31 25-07-18 03-08-18 14:31 0
1 5237 25-07-18 14:31 25-07-18 03-08-18 14:31 0
1 5323 25-07-18 14:32 25-07-18 03-08-18 14:32 0
1 5243 25-07-18 14:32 25-07-18 03-08-18 14:32 0
1 5243 25-07-18 14:32 25-07-18 03-08-18 14:32 0
1 5275 25-07-18 14:35 25-07-18 03-08-18 14:35 0
1 6255 25-07-18 14:35 25-07-18 03-08-18 14:35 0
1 5823 25-07-18 14:35 25-07-18 03-08-18 14:35 0
1 5322 25-07-18 14:35 25-07-18 03-08-18 14:35 0
1 5332 25-07-18 14:36 25-07-18 03-08-18 14:36 0
1 5315 25-07-18 14:36 25-07-18 03-08-18 14:36 0
1 5444 25-07-18 14:36 25-07-18 03-08-18 14:36 0
1 5191 25-07-18 14:36 25-07-18 03-08-18 14:36 0
1 5230 25-07-18 14:39 25-07-18 03-08-18 14:39 0
1 6005 25-07-18 14:40 25-07-18 03-08-18 14:40 0
1 6178 25-07-18 14:48 25-07-18 03-08-18 14:48 0
1 6311 25-07-18 14:51 25-07-18 03-08-18 14:51 0
1 5505 25-07-18 14:54 25-07-18 03-08-18 14:54 0
1 5090 25-07-18 14:58 25-07-18 03-08-18 14:58 0
1 1670 25-07-18 15:03 25-07-18 03-08-18 15:03 0
1 1670 25-07-18 15:04 25-07-18 03-08-18 15:04 0
1 1307 25-07-18 15:04 25-07-18 03-08-18 15:04 0
1 5593 25-07-18 15:16 25-07-18 03-08-18 15:16 0
1 5576 25-07-18 15:22 25-07-18 03-08-18 15:22 0
1 5339 25-07-18 15:44 25-07-18 03-08-18 15:44 0
1 3384 25-07-18 20:44 25-07-18 03-08-18 20:44 0
1 3384 25-07-18 20:44 25-07-18 03-08-18 20:44 0
1 3239 25-07-18 22:05 25-07-18 03-08-18 22:05 0
1 3008 25-07-18 22:24 25-07-18 03-08-18 22:24 0
1 5332 25-07-18 22:42 25-07-18 03-08-18 22:42 0
1 5002 26-07-18 6:15 26-07-18 03-08-18 6:15 0
1 5009 26-07-18 6:15 26-07-18 03-08-18 6:15 0
1 5150 26-07-18 6:15 26-07-18 03-08-18 6:15 0
1 5004 26-07-18 6:16 26-07-18 03-08-18 6:16 0
1 5014 26-07-18 6:16 26-07-18 03-08-18 6:16 0
1 5005 26-07-18 6:16 26-07-18 03-08-18 6:16 0
1 5148 26-07-18 6:16 26-07-18 03-08-18 6:16 0
1 5103 26-07-18 6:17 26-07-18 03-08-18 6:17 0
1 5001 26-07-18 6:17 26-07-18 03-08-18 6:17 0
1 5003 26-07-18 6:18 26-07-18 03-08-18 6:18 0
1 5003 26-07-18 6:18 26-07-18 03-08-18 6:18 0
1 5003 26-07-18 6:18 26-07-18 03-08-18 6:18 0
1 5176 26-07-18 6:21 26-07-18 03-08-18 6:21 0
1 5702 26-07-18 6:22 26-07-18 03-08-18 6:22 0
1 5632 26-07-18 6:22 26-07-18 03-08-18 6:22 0
1 5620 26-07-18 6:22 26-07-18 03-08-18 6:22 0
1 5619 26-07-18 6:22 26-07-18 03-08-18 6:22 0
1 5822 26-07-18 6:22 26-07-18 03-08-18 6:22 0
1 5694 26-07-18 6:23 26-07-18 03-08-18 6:23 0
1 5873 26-07-18 6:23 26-07-18 03-08-18 6:23 0
1 5872 26-07-18 6:23 26-07-18 03-08-18 6:23 0
1 5870 26-07-18 6:24 26-07-18 03-08-18 6:24 0
1 5870 26-07-18 6:24 26-07-18 03-08-18 6:24 0
1 5584 26-07-18 6:25 26-07-18 03-08-18 6:25 0
1 5382 26-07-18 6:28 26-07-18 03-08-18 6:28 0
1 5381 26-07-18 6:28 26-07-18 03-08-18 6:28 0
1 5496 26-07-18 6:28 26-07-18 03-08-18 6:28 0
1 5493 26-07-18 6:29 26-07-18 03-08-18 6:29 0
1 5631 26-07-18 6:29 26-07-18 03-08-18 6:29 0
1 5954 26-07-18 6:29 26-07-18 03-08-18 6:29 0
1 5371 26-07-18 6:29 26-07-18 03-08-18 6:29 0
1 6011 26-07-18 6:30 26-07-18 03-08-18 6:30 0
1 5842 26-07-18 6:30 26-07-18 03-08-18 6:30 0
1 5097 26-07-18 6:31 26-07-18 03-08-18 6:31 0
1 5853 26-07-18 6:31 26-07-18 03-08-18 6:31 0
1 6094 26-07-18 6:31 26-07-18 03-08-18 6:31 0
1 6093 26-07-18 6:32 26-07-18 03-08-18 6:32 0
1 5211 26-07-18 6:32 26-07-18 03-08-18 6:32 0
1 5882 26-07-18 6:32 26-07-18 03-08-18 6:32 0
1 5739 26-07-18 6:32 26-07-18 03-08-18 6:32 0
1 5970 26-07-18 6:32 26-07-18 03-08-18 6:32 0
1 5752 26-07-18 6:32 26-07-18 03-08-18 6:32 0
1 5752 26-07-18 6:32 26-07-18 03-08-18 6:32 0
1 5750 26-07-18 6:33 26-07-18 03-08-18 6:33 0
1 5974 26-07-18 6:33 26-07-18 03-08-18 6:33 0
1 5152 26-07-18 6:33 26-07-18 03-08-18 6:33 0
1 5152 26-07-18 6:33 26-07-18 03-08-18 6:33 0
1 5152 26-07-18 6:33 26-07-18 03-08-18 6:33 0
1 5149 26-07-18 6:33 26-07-18 03-08-18 6:33 0
1 5131 26-07-18 6:34 26-07-18 03-08-18 6:34 0
1 5984 26-07-18 6:34 26-07-18 03-08-18 6:34 0
1 6345 26-07-18 6:35 26-07-18 03-08-18 6:35 0
1 5132 26-07-18 6:35 26-07-18 03-08-18 6:35 0
1 6340 26-07-18 6:37 26-07-18 03-08-18 6:37 0
1 5687 26-07-18 6:37 26-07-18 03-08-18 6:37 0
1 5670 26-07-18 6:38 26-07-18 03-08-18 6:38 0
1 5017 26-07-18 6:39 26-07-18 03-08-18 6:39 0
1 5597 26-07-18 6:39 26-07-18 03-08-18 6:39 0
1 5639 26-07-18 6:39 26-07-18 03-08-18 6:39 0
1 5031 26-07-18 6:40 26-07-18 03-08-18 6:40 0
1 5028 26-07-18 6:40 26-07-18 03-08-18 6:40 0
1 5032 26-07-18 6:40 26-07-18 03-08-18 6:40 0
1 5114 26-07-18 6:40 26-07-18 03-08-18 6:40 0
1 5118 26-07-18 6:41 26-07-18 03-08-18 6:41 0
1 5646 26-07-18 6:41 26-07-18 03-08-18 6:41 0
1 5646 26-07-18 6:41 26-07-18 03-08-18 6:41 0
1 5646 26-07-18 6:41 26-07-18 03-08-18 6:41 0
1 5646 26-07-18 6:41 26-07-18 03-08-18 6:41 0
1 5640 26-07-18 6:41 26-07-18 03-08-18 6:41 0
1 5704 26-07-18 6:42 26-07-18 03-08-18 6:42 0
1 5714 26-07-18 6:42 26-07-18 03-08-18 6:42 0
1 5957 26-07-18 6:43 26-07-18 03-08-18 6:43 0
1 6055 26-07-18 6:43 26-07-18 03-08-18 6:43 0
1 5214 26-07-18 6:43 26-07-18 03-08-18 6:43 0
1 5230 26-07-18 6:43 26-07-18 03-08-18 6:43 0
1 5706 26-07-18 6:44 26-07-18 03-08-18 6:44 0
1 6013 26-07-18 6:44 26-07-18 03-08-18 6:44 0
1 5709 26-07-18 6:44 26-07-18 03-08-18 6:44 0
1 5715 26-07-18 6:44 26-07-18 03-08-18 6:44 0
1 5708 26-07-18 6:45 26-07-18 03-08-18 6:45 0
1 5060 26-07-18 6:45 26-07-18 03-08-18 6:45 0
1 6014 26-07-18 6:45 26-07-18 03-08-18 6:45 0
1 5713 26-07-18 6:45 26-07-18 03-08-18 6:45 0
1 5026 26-07-18 6:45 26-07-18 03-08-18 6:45 0
1 6143 26-07-18 6:47 26-07-18 03-08-18 6:47 0
1 5566 26-07-18 6:47 26-07-18 03-08-18 6:47 0
1 5860 26-07-18 6:47 26-07-18 03-08-18 6:47 0
1 5860 26-07-18 6:47 26-07-18 03-08-18 6:47 0
1 5854 26-07-18 6:47 26-07-18 03-08-18 6:47 0
1 5854 26-07-18 6:47 26-07-18 03-08-18 6:47 0
1 5863 26-07-18 6:47 26-07-18 03-08-18 6:47 0
1 5972 26-07-18 6:47 26-07-18 03-08-18 6:47 0
1 5136 26-07-18 6:49 26-07-18 03-08-18 6:49 0
1 5141 26-07-18 6:49 26-07-18 03-08-18 6:49 0
1 5342 26-07-18 6:50 26-07-18 03-08-18 6:50 0
1 5933 26-07-18 6:50 26-07-18 03-08-18 6:50 0
1 5338 26-07-18 6:50 26-07-18 03-08-18 6:50 0
1 5340 26-07-18 6:50 26-07-18 03-08-18 6:50 0
1 5339 26-07-18 6:50 26-07-18 03-08-18 6:50 0
1 5368 26-07-18 6:50 26-07-18 03-08-18 6:50 0
1 5346 26-07-18 6:51 26-07-18 03-08-18 6:51 0
1 5435 26-07-18 6:51 26-07-18 03-08-18 6:51 0
1 5611 26-07-18 6:51 26-07-18 03-08-18 6:51 0
1 5377 26-07-18 6:52 26-07-18 03-08-18 6:52 0
1 5838 26-07-18 6:52 26-07-18 03-08-18 6:52 0
1 5927 26-07-18 6:52 26-07-18 03-08-18 6:52 0
1 5376 26-07-18 6:52 26-07-18 03-08-18 6:52 0
1 5986 26-07-18 6:52 26-07-18 03-08-18 6:52 0
1 5930 26-07-18 6:52 26-07-18 03-08-18 6:52 0
1 5164 26-07-18 6:52 26-07-18 03-08-18 6:52 0
1 5203 26-07-18 6:52 26-07-18 03-08-18 6:52 0
1 5166 26-07-18 6:52 26-07-18 03-08-18 6:52 0
1 5055 26-07-18 6:52 26-07-18 03-08-18 6:52 0
1 5142 26-07-18 6:53 26-07-18 03-08-18 6:53 0
1 5922 26-07-18 6:53 26-07-18 03-08-18 6:53 0
1 5865 26-07-18 6:53 26-07-18 03-08-18 6:53 0
1 5939 26-07-18 6:53 26-07-18 03-08-18 6:53 0
1 5764 26-07-18 6:54 26-07-18 03-08-18 6:54 0
1 5770 26-07-18 6:54 26-07-18 03-08-18 6:54 0
1 6078 26-07-18 6:54 26-07-18 03-08-18 6:54 0
1 6347 26-07-18 6:54 26-07-18 03-08-18 6:54 0
1 6040 26-07-18 6:54 26-07-18 03-08-18 6:54 0
1 6077 26-07-18 6:55 26-07-18 03-08-18 6:55 0
1 5768 26-07-18 6:55 26-07-18 03-08-18 6:55 0
1 5197 26-07-18 6:55 26-07-18 03-08-18 6:55 0
1 5215 26-07-18 6:58 26-07-18 03-08-18 6:58 0
1 5691 26-07-18 6:58 26-07-18 03-08-18 6:58 0
1 6153 26-07-18 7:00 26-07-18 03-08-18 7:00 0
1 5841 26-07-18 7:00 26-07-18 03-08-18 7:00 0
1 5856 26-07-18 7:00 26-07-18 03-08-18 7:00 0
1 6035 26-07-18 7:00 26-07-18 03-08-18 7:00 0
1 5127 26-07-18 7:02 26-07-18 03-08-18 7:02 0
1 1615 26-07-18 7:02 26-07-18 03-08-18 7:02 0
1 5948 26-07-18 7:04 26-07-18 03-08-18 7:04 0
1 5217 26-07-18 7:04 26-07-18 03-08-18 7:04 0
1 6133 26-07-18 7:05 26-07-18 03-08-18 7:05 0
1 6133 26-07-18 7:05 26-07-18 03-08-18 7:05 0
1 5068 26-07-18 7:05 26-07-18 03-08-18 7:05 0
1 6123 26-07-18 7:07 26-07-18 03-08-18 7:07 0
1 6241 26-07-18 7:07 26-07-18 03-08-18 7:07 0
1 5966 26-07-18 7:07 26-07-18 03-08-18 7:07 0
1 6030 26-07-18 7:13 26-07-18 03-08-18 7:13 0
1 5595 26-07-18 7:13 26-07-18 03-08-18 7:13 0
1 6034 26-07-18 7:14 26-07-18 03-08-18 7:14 0
1 6034 26-07-18 7:14 26-07-18 03-08-18 7:14 0
1 5598 26-07-18 7:14 26-07-18 03-08-18 7:14 0
1 5178 26-07-18 7:14 26-07-18 03-08-18 7:14 0
1 6240 26-07-18 7:14 26-07-18 03-08-18 7:14 0
1 5120 26-07-18 7:14 26-07-18 03-08-18 7:14 0
1 5434 26-07-18 7:22 26-07-18 03-08-18 7:22 0
1 5765 26-07-18 7:25 26-07-18 03-08-18 7:25 0
1 5589 26-07-18 7:44 26-07-18 03-08-18 7:44 0
1 3296 26-07-18 7:44 26-07-18 03-08-18 7:44 0
1 3274 26-07-18 7:48 26-07-18 03-08-18 7:48 0
1 3207 26-07-18 8:36 26-07-18 03-08-18 8:36 0
1 1551 26-07-18 8:38 26-07-18 03-08-18 8:38 0
1 1191 26-07-18 8:40 26-07-18 03-08-18 8:40 0
1 1117 26-07-18 8:40 26-07-18 03-08-18 8:40 0
1 1505 26-07-18 8:44 26-07-18 03-08-18 8:44 0
1 1506 26-07-18 8:45 26-07-18 03-08-18 8:45 0
1 1725 26-07-18 8:45 26-07-18 03-08-18 8:45 0
1 1093 26-07-18 8:47 26-07-18 03-08-18 8:47 0
1 1656 26-07-18 8:47 26-07-18 03-08-18 8:47 0
1 1085 26-07-18 8:51 26-07-18 03-08-18 8:51 0
1 1095 26-07-18 8:52 26-07-18 03-08-18 8:52 0
1 1116 26-07-18 8:55 26-07-18 03-08-18 8:55 0
1 120 26-07-18 9:02 26-07-18 03-08-18 9:02 0
1 3279 26-07-18 9:08 26-07-18 03-08-18 9:08 0
1 5548 26-07-18 13:57 26-07-18 03-08-18 13:57 0
1 5540 26-07-18 13:57 26-07-18 03-08-18 13:57 0
1 5553 26-07-18 13:57 26-07-18 03-08-18 13:57 0
1 5088 26-07-18 14:00 26-07-18 03-08-18 14:00 0
1 5084 26-07-18 14:00 26-07-18 03-08-18 14:00 0
1 5081 26-07-18 14:00 26-07-18 03-08-18 14:00 0
1 5100 26-07-18 14:00 26-07-18 03-08-18 14:00 0
1 5212 26-07-18 14:00 26-07-18 03-08-18 14:00 0
1 5212 26-07-18 14:00 26-07-18 03-08-18 14:00 0
1 5080 26-07-18 14:01 26-07-18 03-08-18 14:01 0
1 5993 26-07-18 14:01 26-07-18 03-08-18 14:01 0
1 5466 26-07-18 14:01 26-07-18 03-08-18 14:01 0
1 5082 26-07-18 14:02 26-07-18 03-08-18 14:02 0
1 5075 26-07-18 14:02 26-07-18 03-08-18 14:02 0
1 5070 26-07-18 14:02 26-07-18 03-08-18 14:02 0
1 5077 26-07-18 14:02 26-07-18 03-08-18 14:02 0
1 5093 26-07-18 14:04 26-07-18 03-08-18 14:04 0
1 5079 26-07-18 14:04 26-07-18 03-08-18 14:04 0
1 5078 26-07-18 14:04 26-07-18 03-08-18 14:04 0
1 5072 26-07-18 14:05 26-07-18 03-08-18 14:05 0
1 5072 26-07-18 14:05 26-07-18 03-08-18 14:05 0
1 5104 26-07-18 14:05 26-07-18 03-08-18 14:05 0
1 5306 26-07-18 14:08 26-07-18 03-08-18 14:08 0
1 5259 26-07-18 14:08 26-07-18 03-08-18 14:08 0
1 5820 26-07-18 14:09 26-07-18 03-08-18 14:09 0
1 5014 26-07-18 14:11 26-07-18 03-08-18 14:11 0
1 6084 26-07-18 14:11 26-07-18 03-08-18 14:11 0
1 5003 26-07-18 14:12 26-07-18 03-08-18 14:12 0
1 5011 26-07-18 14:12 26-07-18 03-08-18 14:12 0
1 6011 26-07-18 14:13 26-07-18 03-08-18 14:13 0
1 5001 26-07-18 14:13 26-07-18 03-08-18 14:13 0
1 5004 26-07-18 14:13 26-07-18 03-08-18 14:13 0
1 5451 26-07-18 14:13 26-07-18 03-08-18 14:13 0
1 5457 26-07-18 14:14 26-07-18 03-08-18 14:14 0
1 5772 26-07-18 14:16 26-07-18 03-08-18 14:16 0
1 5648 26-07-18 14:19 26-07-18 03-08-18 14:19 0
1 5727 26-07-18 14:19 26-07-18 03-08-18 14:19 0
1 6311 26-07-18 14:19 26-07-18 03-08-18 14:19 0
1 5190 26-07-18 14:21 26-07-18 03-08-18 14:21 0
1 5183 26-07-18 14:22 26-07-18 03-08-18 14:22 0
1 5955 26-07-18 14:24 26-07-18 03-08-18 14:24 4
1 5287 26-07-18 14:25 26-07-18 03-08-18 14:25 0
1 5026 26-07-18 14:25 26-07-18 03-08-18 14:25 0
1 5326 26-07-18 14:28 26-07-18 03-08-18 14:28 0
1 5238 26-07-18 14:28 26-07-18 03-08-18 14:28 0
1 5002 26-07-18 14:31 26-07-18 03-08-18 14:31 0
1 6005 26-07-18 14:33 26-07-18 03-08-18 14:33 0
1 5505 26-07-18 14:35 26-07-18 03-08-18 14:35 0
1 5323 26-07-18 14:40 26-07-18 03-08-18 14:40 0
1 3190 26-07-18 14:41 26-07-18 03-08-18 14:41 0
1 5580 26-07-18 14:42 26-07-18 03-08-18 14:42 0

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